Movement Artifact
Analog Chromogenic Monoprints
Installation View From Gallery Show at Ladies Room LA
The Process
Movement Artifact represents the intersection of Natalja Kent’s most intimate mediums: analog photography, research and embodiment practices. Chromogenic (completely analog) prints serve as artifacts of embodied performances held in solitude within the pitch-black, color darkroom. The prints serve as traces of movement, singing, light and meditation in a private, blackened space. These “colorfields” bring forth an open channel into an unseen realm. On the surface, one can interpret the prints solely on the aesthetic plane, while further investigation reveals something uncanny at work. This space of slippage, opening and the unknown lies fixed into the silver halide surface. More about the work can be found on Natalja’s Art Website or in this WIRED MAGAZINE article. Natalja is currently an artist in residence at Google.